Thursday, August 3, 2023

Exposed Layers

"May you ignite your power to make choices that 
align with your soul. May you find the 
courage to heal, be free, and grow."
Tanya Markul

There is a part of us that we project out into the world in our professional exchanges and community commitments. Then there is a personal covering that is shared with our friends and family. Various layers ultimately cover and hide the most intimate parts of our being.  In fact, our authentic self is often repressed and buried beneath a thickness of wounds.

This template of looking outside of our lovely selves is counter productive to embracing personal power. When we are able to ignite the fire at our core with honor and respect, we become a force to be reckoned with. Our inner strengths escort us out into the world, choosing projects, and relationships that align with our soul.

As we reclaim the energy previously used to project a false self, our passion grows and hurtful histories loose their grip. No longer evaluating through the script of right and wrong, lessons are understood and our courage builds to continue our journey forward. Layers of false identity are shed and we are nurtured by the freedom of our newly exposed spirit.




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