Thursday, May 11, 2023

The World Behind The World

"The old cultures used to be in constant conversation with the 
world behind this world, through the sacred practices of 
storytelling, dreaming, ceremony, and song."
Toko-pa Turner

As loneliness settles in, we have choice to turn to personal communication with the 'other side' or fall into depths of despair. The simple gesture of reaching out through prayer or meditation, instantly lessens feelings of isolation.

We are caught in our minds, dwelling on competition, materialism, and status quo. It is when we turn to our true nature of simply being present with peace and opening safe passages with other realms, that the gap is filled.

Through intuition and spiritual awareness, we reclaim our authentic selves. We begin to focus on what is most important to us: values, insights, and intended purpose. Our hearts fill with loving kindness which attracts inspiration, mystery, and intervention with beauty.


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