Friday, May 12, 2023

Quest for Fulfillment


"Everyone and everything around you is your teacher."
Ken Keyes, Jr.

We choose to project an image of our lovely selves which often is not in alignment with our true nature. Our energy is invested in who we want to be rather than who we truly are.  How we navigate from our heart, determines how we use knowledge received. 

We may fill our minds with information, but if it is not supported by our values, we will not be satisfied. As we reach to qualify for someone else's agenda, we will not experience fulfillment. Our authentic desires must be nurtured, not buried.

This is not to say we aught not be driven towards a goal.  The basis of harmonious living is declaring what is our unique heart's desires, and moving in that direction. Understand the self and feed the soul. Chart a course and be amazed by what follows!

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