Friday, November 11, 2022

Words, Not Weapons

"Peace cannot be achieved through violence,
it can only be attained through understanding."
Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Veteran's Day stirs emotions deep seated in my soul.  I mourn the loss of friends killed in combat and cringe at stories of those suffering both emotional and  physical challenges without appropriate care and support.  

Violence of any kind hurts my heart whether administered to the earth, animals, or humans. I am continuously prompted to be present for those who suffer under the oppression of others.  Professionally, I was dedicated to understanding violent acts towards children.

My intention is to explore diversity and to be open to differing points of view.  I believe that using compassion and empathy, resolution can materialize.  In truly seeing whoever stands before us, by not feeling threatened, and open to cultural alignment, peaceful means can be established.

QUESTION:  How can there be world peace when we cannot establish an element of acceptance within our selves, our families, communities, country? We must begin!


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