Thursday, November 10, 2022

Just a Blink Away


"This is your power ... your ability to provide
sanctuary, to let life nestle in your giant heart."
Jeff Foster 

The vacation we long for can be experienced at hand when we enhance our ability to imagine. The mini retreat we never find time for can exist if we utilize creative visualization.  The perfect sanctuary we long for resides within our dream safely registered in our heart.

The ability to create a sanctuary does not require a person to be a wisdom keeper, guru or established artist.  Gently close the eyes and bring to mind what generates comfort.  Is it walking on the beach, strolling in the secluded woods or standing on a mountain top? 

Bring to mind the element of safety, relaxing into the projected sanctuary and simply 'be' while removed from the busy-ness of life.  Let silence or preferred music calm the soul.  This space is available instantly.  Just gently close the eyes ...

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