Sunday, August 7, 2022

Real Or Imagined

"There is a vast difference between listening to fear
and thinking you need to act in response to it."
Shiela Reynolds 

It is imperative to listen to our fear as it can trigger awareness about our safety.  To bring our focus to what is nudging us, can accelerate our ability to evaluate a situation.  What we habitually tell our lovely selves about fear, however, may hamper a fair assessment of concern.

To facilitate appropriate action we can simply decide if this is something we need to eradicate or control.  Too often, our energies are fed into the aspects of fear itself and not the situation at hand. We become handicapped by our definitions and degrees of fear.

Fear can be fueled by earlier trauma or existing pain from previous mishaps.  By all means, if the situation requires immediate help, proceed; but, if there is any doubt, one might want to regroup and reassess.  What we choose to focus upon frequently attracts fear whether real or imagined.


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