Monday, August 8, 2022

Naked and Afraid

"You can't become who you need to be 
by remaining who you are."
Kathryn Wheat 

As we glance into a mirror, we may not consistently view the same image, as we wear differing disquises.  Our body may appear to have modifying shapes as we adjust our apparel to meet undisclosed destinations or societal expectations.

When we have the courage to shed our masks and ill fitting costumes, our self-consciousness may heighten and our comfort zone may become highly altered.  Fear can interrupt our sure footed steps and cloud paths to our awaiting destination.

Longing to be true to the self, we release what no longer supports, including myths, theories, and masters.  Cautiously, we move forward with desire and endurance, willing to endure the unknown. We run the risk of being naked and afraid.


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