Monday, May 16, 2022

Get Ready To Leap!

"People will reveal who they are if you just pay attention."
Germany Kent 

As kindred spirits, it is important to notice heightened creative endeavors of each other and to reflect support, but also notice emotional boundaries shifting.  Are we living precariously through others or do we feel drained by those around us? Setting judgment aside, we can evaluate what we need to feed our soul.

Inventory community resources for extending artistic curiosity.  Explore new walking trails, parks and gardens.  Scroll through contacts and increase connections with those who make the heart sing!  Create a new routine that will enliven the body, mind, and soul.
In this present moment, we are in a position to feed our soul and ditch the fear.  It is time to evaluate, choose intrigue, and leap through inflexible, self-imposed boundaries.  The time is now!

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