Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Enlivened Choice

"Pay attention to what's limiting you,
you may be thinking it's supporting you."
Jaya Bhateja

Solitude is an essential element for creating harmony within the body, mind, and spirit union.  It is inside of stillness that we can hear our heart and receive insight and guidance.  Too much of any one element, however, can throw us off course.

Solitude is an opportunity to take an inventory of what is supporting us and what needs to be replaced by new lively connections.  We, once, may have been stimulated by an activity that now has become routine and unproductive.  

Sit quietly, while taking an inventory of what currently sounds exciting or engaging.  What  new adventure will trigger deeper or more creative connections?  What pathways can we use to replace fear or apathy?  Simple action begins the journey of enlivened choice. 

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