Saturday, April 16, 2022

What Is No Longer There ...

"The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition 
and prejudice must have strong wings."
Kate Chopin 

It would seem that each generation seeks to alter tradition to better meet individual needs.  We then have choice to cling to what is no longer valued or take flight with newly developing ways.  As family dynamics change, releasing the familiar can be experienced either as a relief or challenge.

Instead of stuffing baskets with chocolate rabbits or coloring easter eggs, we may find a stronger sense of connection by walking upon a Forest Trail or sitting on a park bench.  Listening to the sounds of nature tends to calm and restore the soul.

Rigidity, clinging to what is no longer there, can cause us great harm; whereas, strengthening our wings for an unknown flight alter our emotional state.  Choose to greet the holy~day with eyes cast up to the sky, breathing in love and expecting new sight. Light a candle and notice the flame and its willingness to dance.  Allow the warmth to newly define  a  tradition for the heart.

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