Sunday, April 17, 2022

Possibilities for Resurrection

"Glimmers refers to small moments in our lives, 
when our biology is in a place of connection and/or
regulation, which then helps our nervous system
to feel safe and calm."
Deb Dana

Deb Dana, (licensed clinical social worker), coined  the phrase "Glimmers" as the opposite of triggers.  In spite of the growing chaos and disruption in our personal lives and in the world, we can take advantage of gentle ways to shape our moments.

Holidays, meant for nurturing, can often provoke bouts of loneliness or disconnect.  We may be tempted to return to old family roles or grieving for ancestors.  Our paths can be altered, however, by watching for small snippets of joy.

Perhaps this day will not unfold as in years passed and even if by choice, we may struggle to find happy footing.  Although we may have deliberately released previous exchanges, a yearning may still be present.  Please, choose to be mindful and seek smidgens of hope, believing in possibilities for resurrection. 


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