Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Taking Flight


"Today wherever you go, carry the intention of
peace, harmony, laughter and love in your heart."
Deepak Chopra

Our ego may be romping in fits of anger or our memories may be saturated in sorrow, but at the core of our being, our hearts are flowing with love.  If we lift the blinds of distortion from our eyes, we begin to see the beauty that is ever present.

Our built in dysfunction shades what we experience with each of our senses.  Through our choices, our thoughts are fine groomed based upon our own deceptions.  We cannot help how we feel, but we can decide to make healthier choices.

What if we forgave everyone across the board, no holding back?  In doing so, we would feel a rush of energy repurposed for creating happier scenarios.  No longer dragging our baggage along, we are able to take flight with expressive bursts of  laughter.

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