Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Importance of Being Aware


"These patterns are old relics of our childhoods."
Bethany Webster

We learn to be aware of our surroundings, to not place our lovely selves in the presence of danger and to maintain safe boundaries.  What about inside, though? There is a resonating need to take inventory of old patterns, and restricted measures hampering personal progress.

What once served us as coping skills, may be restricting our connection from a deeper sense of living in the here and the now.  With inner exploration, we begin to unravel the ancestral trickery preventing us from our true measure.

Here are some questions to heighten personal awareness:  Do you say things reflecting how you feel or what you think others want to hear?  Do you participate in activities to stir your soul or plans that meet others needs? When you reflect upon self-inventory, do you like who you are?  An invitation is extended to you to discover and celebrate your beautiful self!

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