Monday, May 31, 2021

Remembering ...

"The effects of loss are acute, and unique to each individual.
Not everyone mourns in the same way."
Richelle E. Goodrich

There are numerous ways to mourn and some prefer to avoid all aspects of death and dying.  Obviously, we can choose the way we want to react; however, some effort of respect and gratitude aught to be offered whether great or small.

For all of the young who gave up life in war, and for all of the life time soldiers who were killed, in my heart I feel respect and gratitude.  As of yet, however, I do not understand the overall benefits of war.  The wars in our own country need to be addressed:  racism; poverty; disease; mental illness; drugs to mention just a few.

Each one of us has a particular reason for living and a gift to be shared.  So I honor all who die no matter the cause.  To give respect as respect is due, we can save our countries money, recognize all as brothers and sisters, and share our gifts.  Today, I remember those who have passed and I have hope for those who still live.


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