Sunday, May 30, 2021

Human Suit, Shed

"Remembering is easy.
It's forgetting that's hard."
Brodi Ashton

 Seldom do I read war stories, but those who have perished remain carved in my heart. I reflect upon the masses with gratitude and celebrate the individual warriors I knew.  I do not remember friends killed or disabled during war in a maudlin way, but I will sit with how I remember their unique personalities ... how they made me laugh or cry.  I try to remember the essence of his or her being.

The normal process of life includes death and those who have touched me personally, are carved into the landscape of my mind.  I have no intention of dismissing them, but choose to see them in my mind as they were and how they displayed his or her purpose.  

Perhaps it is my spiritual belief about death ... it is one door closing or one door opening.  Either way, I believe our human suit is shed and our soul continues on to be greeted by other loving beings.  The ones whom suffer are the ones being left behind, unless they regulate compassion.

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