Sunday, June 18, 2017

Unfulfilled Passion

"The only thing worse than not knowing where she belonged ...
was knowing where she didm''t."
Tessa Shaffer 

When we engage in projects not connected to our hearts, we find the work to be never ending, energy zapping, and unfulfilled passion..  As we are surrounded by folks we do not admire nor inspire, we also find the time to be lengthy, drained by meaningless conversation, and dissatisfied.

Upon discovering these feelings at work or in the personal arena, accept them as signals that we are not where we ideally need to be.  Prior to seeking out new situations or kindred spirits, we must first know our heart's desire.

To seek and find, one must have clarity about the search and the ability to truly people as they are and not as how we want them to be.  Within the community, there are others may be you have not noticed before nor have been aware of common interest.  Open the heart and let the energy lead and attract towards what is needed.

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