Saturday, June 17, 2017

" ... and not see it at all ..."

"In my experience, it is entirely possible
to watch something happen
and not see it at all."
Anna Funder

In our comfort zone, we overlook small incidents that if acknowledged would upset the apple cart.  We have formed characters in our minds as templates for our friends.  We feel more secure knowing precisely what our friends are capable of displaying and ignoring small negative truths.

At work we learn to minimize the behaviors of others to make the job more tolerable.  We pretend certain staff members have zero impact upon us to keep the workplace admirable.  It tends to feel more comfortable to remain in a place of discord rather than search for work that enhances or comforts.

As human beings, we like to keep the light shining on our good behaviors while hiding our bad actions in the dark.  When we do not hold ourselves accountable, we make up stories to justify our actions.  We project our pain upon others and fall from alignment ... and not see it at all.

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