Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Follow the Thread

"Embracing silence and introspection
allows you to work through your thoughts
and emotions and transmute them."
Madisyn Taylor

How far are you willing to go to create the silence required to hear your heart and soul?  Turning off the television or other household noises is a minor step and not the inner key.  To silence the inner critic and the constant mental drone of distraction assists, but does not pave the way.

Submit a gentle plea for assistance and await for a colorful thread to unravel before you.  See the texture and the color of this fiber and gently hold it in the palm of your hand.  Feel the warmth, the wonder, and the pull to follow.

You are beckoned to grasp the thread as it leads back through time and space, to unknown or forgotten images recorded without any comprehensive understanding.  Hold these visions in your mind's eye and return to the quiet, prepared to create form to reflect what resides inside.  Dance, paint, sing or write expressing the inner reflections making you unique.

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