Monday, June 12, 2017

Depths of Final Love

"Like a tree our growth depends
upon our ability to soften, loosen,
and shed boundaries and defenses
we no longer need."
Madisyn Taylor

In another transition, I find myself discerning what parts of self I need to maintain or discard.  My focus, I suppose, needs to be upon the parts of my self that have yet to be discovered.  In this attempt,  I need to create a fresh clean space of welcoming.

New growth can be exhilarating, but I personally find the act of letting go intimidating.  I anticipate expanding and deepening, but the safety of remaining still has its lure.  Releasing objects or materials is easy compared to the task of hugging those we have known for the last time.

My wounded old heart now abounds with light as I reach out trusting his hand to hold.  It as though I have joined what was once lost, to be fortified until my death.  The reflection I catch in the eyes that love me gives me my long awaited happy ending.  It would seem I have experienced all of the wrong  relationships in my life, so that I could now honor and trust in the depths of this final love.  


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