Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Without Fears of Tomorrow

"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow,
it empties today of its strength."
Corrie ten Boom

Core strength contributes to the alignment of body, mind, and spirit.  If we are grounded or rooted in confidence and self-respect, we are better prepared for challenges.  Being whole allows us to stay in the moment to enjoy the present experience.  There is no room for worry.

Worry is a thief, consciously or unconsciously stealing precious moments from us.  It whittles away at our comfort zone, leaving gouges for fear to burrow in.  Then begins the inappropriate eating for comfort,or numerous addictions of all kind, 

When we are 'ill at ease' we are vulnerable in our body, mind, and soul.  'Dis-ease' creates illness within our bodies like migraines, ulcers, or depression.  If we sustain our healthy bodies and calm minds with spiritual support, we will successfully enjoy the strength of today without fears of tomorrow.

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