Tuesday, May 30, 2017

A Way to Cope

"Life is not the way it's supposed to be, it's the way it is.
The way you cope with that is what make the difference."
Virginia Satir

My spiraling journey has led me in all directions for a deep and beautiful life filled with human error and personal growth.  I venture forward to the unseen depths of space and time.  I am a wayfarer and there is so much left to be seen.

If I sit in a safe place, my travel immediately begins.  My eyes gently close and sounds from life grow thin.  Feet firmly on the ground secures me while my mind is free to explore realms of peace and solitude.

The world I physically live in seems filled with hate and anger.  I cringe thinking of God's children without clothes or food and individuals experiencing filth and despair.  So it is when I go to my safe place and absorb the endless light,  I return beaming love into all of the desperate places.

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