Saturday, May 20, 2017

Sprigs of Creativity

"Honor your  desire for a new life.
Say yes to the small inklings  of 
interest and curiosity that present
themselves each day." 
Lynn A. Robinson

Sprigs of creativity push up through our muddled thinking, hoping to receive attention.  We catch a glimpse of a picture reflecting our desire or hear a musical ditty that awakens more of our yearning.  Then coincidences begin to happen.  We see an advertisement for a gathering or a class is offered or someone mentions they are replacing their creative tools and would you want the old?

Coincidences escort us a little farther down the path of exploration.  Instead of just a passing thought, our curiosity begins to form a greater scope.  Possibilities crop up and friends may encourage, but we remain reluctant to follow the lark.

The time to begin is now.  Do not wait for a perfect moment, money for a studio, or plenty of time.   Rearrange time and modify the urge, beginning with the supplies on hand, and chip away at the mental barriers the ego throws before us.  The biggest task is gathering the energy to just begin.

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