Sunday, May 21, 2017

I Simply Flew

"Gratitude builds a bridge to abundance."
Roy Bennett

I carried my heavy heart while slowly approaching a bridge.  I could feel the darkness seeping through my fingers, spilling over while tainting everything surrounding me.  With bare feet connecting with the earth, I began to breathe slowly,  inhaling the richness of the earth, and exhaling the black mold within.  

As I placed my feet onto the bridge, I set intention to cleanse and enhance my perspective.  I envisioned myself refocused upon reaching the center of the bridge and uplifted as I exited the  length of the bridge.

I began by being thankful for the experience of life, moving on to the blessings of my children and the friends I revere as family.  A small flicker of hope began to shine at the center of the bridge.  I broadened my thanksgiving to the beauty of nature always enlightening me.   As I reached the end of the bridge, my heart was overflowing with majestic thoughts of the oneness of the Universe ... it was at this point, I simply flew.

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