Monday, April 24, 2017

Groom The Beauty

"It is not so much being all that we dream of becoming
as it is un-becoming all that is covering our being."

We are encouraged to shed false expectations prior to entering transitions.  It would be helpful if a large bridge crossing into our new experience would raise until we payed the toll of updated self-evaluation.  It would create the necessary time for release of all negativity and increase of positive appreciation.

Our inspiration often spills over into our dream time.  It paints scenarios of possibility that every day living suffocates.  Visions enhance the depth of our personal aspirations and displays 'out of the box' ways of proceeding.

It is never too late to resign from  false projection.  New energy floods our creativity as we once again begin to envision our selves with our heart's desire.  Spring is our time to remove the debris, nurture the seed and groom the beauty of our lives.

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