Monday, January 30, 2017

Song Bursts From The Heart

"Oh God, the terrible tyranny of the majority.
We all have our harps to play.  And it's up to
you to know with which ear you'll listen."
Ray Bradbury

It is grand to view life as an orchestra playing symphonies under the leadership of a great master.   We can be lulled into fantasy or realms unknown to daily living, forgetting the significance of each individual instrument.  We can overlook the years of practice for perfection and the struggles forsaking attachments to life outside the great concert hall.

Lives are filled with harmony as well as discord.  Our minds are strengthened and expanded by the music of others.  We sift through wisdom, discerning the significance of the beat pertaining to our challenges, accomplishments, and worthiness of living.

The unfortunate are deaf to any kind of creative score,  They do not hear the story within the folk lore nor the rapture of a hymn.  The upswing of jazz or the drama of opera are lost to those who do not feel the rhythm in the soul.  The song does not burst from the heart of those who never listen.

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