Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Hot Coals of Life

"Never judge someone 
By the way he looks
Or a book by the way it's covered;
For inside those tattered pages,
There's a lot to be discovered." 
Stephen Cosgrove

If we open ourselves to possibility, minimize expectations, and open our minds to revelations, we will evolve beyond our wildest imaginations.  Love does not wear one cloak nor does success present in singular definition.  Nothing is the same ... not music, painting, poetry nor dance.  

Every thing is subject to change and interpretation.  Beauty is genuinely in the eyes of the beholder, and even then it may shift with differing hues.  We may feel knowledge from a discarded shell by the sea or hear wisdom from a boulder high on a mountain.  The touch of a feathered wing, may bring tears to the eyes of one while giving a sense of flight to one other.

Look deeply my friend, into the deterioration of the human body and there one finds a fire burning brightly fueled by greater understanding accumulated through the hot coals of life.   Resilience pushes in a less physical way as the veils are gently blown aside by the wonders of life.

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