Sunday, November 27, 2016

Sense of Liberation

"The truth is always exciting.
Speak it, then.  Life is dull without it."
Pearl S. Buck   
When we are clear about truth, support it and protect it, our emotional stability becomes healthier.  If we tell lies, we are disguising our essence and pay a price.  The further we move away from our truth, the more disingenuous we become.  

We tell ourselves a story when we hide our inner thoughts.  We say we are protecting others or maybe the listener would not understand.  Often there is a price for truth that we are not willing to pay.  Boundaries surrounding our truth support us in deciding the extent we are willing to share.

To offer the truth is indeed difficult, but the reward is self-respect and appropriate alignment with body, mind, and spirit.  New energy pumps through us as we expose who we really are and we are propelled into deeper connections.  When we are honest with ourselves at all times, we experience a greater sense of liberation.

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