Saturday, November 26, 2016

Finding Home

"During my life journey I've discovered an interesting thing;
once you stop seeking outside you discover what already resides within."
Rasheed Ogunlaru

Holidays approach accompanied by a level of amnesia.  We trick ourselves into thinking of how this year things will be different.  We promise to behave better, to not make waves, and to say just the right things.  Unfortunately, for many, home has never been emotionally safe.

When we enter into the world of adults, we begin to realize the dysfunction of our family. The space inside of us grows darker in the absence of any sense of acceptance, encouragement or respect.  A sense of being unknown and unseen dampens our spirits.

When we turn inside with honest intention of self-discovery, the sense of belonging is birthed.  As we recognize our uniqueness, worthiness grows.  The impossible happens ... we learn to love our self as we settle into our internal safe home.  With a sense of wholeness, we finally can turn back outside of ourselves with appreciation for all others who are following their own quest.

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