Tuesday, November 22, 2016

"Do Over"

"What if life is not just about the goal?
What if it is not even just about the path to the goal?
What if it is not even the bounce back?
Omid Safi
"Fail Better"
On Being

The work I struggled most with seemed to return to me with an elementary teacher's red pen instructing a "Do Over".   This sequence seems to run through life ... work hard, fall; work harder, fall harder; bounce back, improving.   This really isn't about failure, but a push to be more.

This cycle seems to be present in relationships as well as career and spirituality.  Moving through life,  relationships, career, and spiritually  come together providing a sense of calm.  Finally, we get to feel comfortable with ourselves. 

The journey is never over, however.  Just when we sigh with completion, another sequence begins.  All of this appears to be a route to becoming fully our lovely selves.  With each spiral, we deepen inwardly and shine outwardly.  The passage leads to the Divine. 

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