Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Attitude Will Guide

"Our life is what our thoughts make it."
Marcus Aurelius
When life becomes difficult, it is hard to imagine what I had been thinking to create such an unfortunate mess.  No longer do I immediately ask, "Why me?"
I ask, "What is the lesson?"  It is helpful to acknowledge all of the negativity I had unknowingly unleashed in my head.  By not remaining awake, I sabotage my own desires.

It is helpful for me to discern what good could come of my mess.  I look for the door that is now open as a corrective option.  It is difficult to believe goodness rises out of debris, but I know this to be true, even if just in hindsight.

My worst enemy is the tape in my head criticizing, minimizing, and twisting perceptions.  Encouraging words of a mentor or supportive resources does not turn the tape off, but new phrases can be recorded over the old.  I remain determined to embrace whatever comes, knowing my attitude will be my guide.

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