Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Miracle of Light

"Don't give up before the miracle happens."
Fannie Flagg

Miracles are interwoven within years of living.  Some arrive unannounced, sliding in on a wing or a prayer.  Then there are the tiny miracles easily overlooked, like the butterfly landing upon a toddler's  hand or a hummingbird remaining at the Hibiscus long enough to draw us in.  The birth of a healthy baby or the restoration from illness to unexplainable health are miraculous miracles.

Miracles suddenly appear when we are in the right place at the right time.  These can be smaller and are called coincidences, like bumping into a stranger who ends up being the boss's wife.  The more exciting mini-miracle is labeled as a synchronicity.   These are the fun one's where Divine Intervention orchestrates spectacular experiences out of ordinary circumstances.

The eluding miracle is the most unsatisfying.  We anticipate with patience; place trust and faith in the unfolding of life; and eventually the mind becomes vacant.  The loss of hope, the absence of goal, the lack of understanding, and the void of hope binds us in a cloak of sadness.  Emotion drains away, our footing is lost, and the eyes are crusted close with despair.  It is within this dark space the miracle of light, gently whispering, "Don't give up!"

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