Friday, October 7, 2016

Ride To The Penthouse

"I am learning to trust the journey
even when I do not understand it."
Mila Bron

To be present in the moment is similar to being inside of an elevator.  We are alone feeling comfortable and safe, resisting the pull to push a button to go up or ride down.  Unexpectedly the door opens and strangers rush into our sacred space.  They easily push numerous buttons and the personal journey takes on a life of its own.

These unknown travelers exit our space and in this stillness we ponder the lessons gleaned from the presence of these others.  We realize they are our teachers and mentors distributing concepts and theories to be sifted through on our own.  Without the presence of others, our lives will be stunted.

As our journey continues, we ride the elevator up and down so many times that life becomes motion.  The constant dialogue or the unwelcome unions squishes us into confusion.  It is then we push the button for an elevated floor and follow a path to solitude and self-discovery.  We always return to the elevator, pushing buttons higher to the next elevation, hoping to eventually arrive at the penthouse of peace.

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