Thursday, October 13, 2016

Stimulating Forward Movement

"Compromise is what binds people together.
Compromise is sharing and conciliatory,
it is loving and kind and unselfish."
Ali Harris

Open the heart, the mind, and the spirit and our relationship with others deepens.  There is no need to pretend we support a different philosophy or circumstance, but it is vitally important to be a nonjudgmental witness for ourselves and companions.  We constantly learn from the experiences from others and with others.  A compromise can be that of a silent listener.  

Individually we expand, so outgrowing some relationships happen.  There is no need to end exchanges, but to adjust the structure of the companionship.  If we do feel supported or do not resonate with certain people, we have the option to place our energy into developing exposure to new situations and friends.  

Relationships infer two people investing into a bond.  It is not a one sided commitment; however, we find ourselves evaluating the other person more than we observe ourselves.  Does the friendship encourage our journey or does it hold us back?  What kind of friend are we being?  Do we need to shift the dynamics?  When we gently alter a relationship, we may be stimulating forward movement to excite both involved.

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