Friday, October 14, 2016

Radiance of the Moon

"I want to resemble a sort of liquid light 
which stretches beyond visibility or invisibility.  
Tonight I wish to have the valor and daring
to belong to the moon."  
Virginia Woolf,  A Writer's Diary

The moon has been whispering into my ears ever since my eyes became bold enough to search the expanding black sky.    Sparkling stars instilled hope, stretched imagination, and offered promise of existence  beyond my vision.  Upon first sight of the full moon, my heart began leaping,  as it felt an instant connection with this grand source of light.

As it floated across the sky, my childhood dreams intensified and desires to grasp what was out of reach disciplined my attentiveness.  The moon absorbed me sweeping aside all sense of time.  Although I was neither here nor there, my presence streamed into the vastness of both sky and moon.

On earth, I was taught to minimize and to be small.  I practiced being invisible and hidden by the trees so tall.   I waited for the night to return so I could flee shapeless into the sky where I was free to indulge in the radiance of the moon.

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