Sunday, October 9, 2016

Silence Is An Answer

"Remember, all the answers you need are inside of you;you only have to become quiet enough to hear them!"
Debbie Ford

When we ask adults if their lives had lead them to where they had dreamed to be, very few would admit the path intended was ever followed.  Majors pursued in college are not necessarily the area of business the student ends up.   Passion kindled fires interrupt the original path and we may deviate into unexpected arenas.

Opportunities present themselves and it takes courage to leave a place of comfort.  If we have family, we may be limited in our willingness to run risk. Beloved family may encourage us to give up our chance for dreams while our mentors refer us to the voice within.  

The voice we need to hear within is not ego.  The need to set ego in a time out chair is imperative.  Then sit quietly and allow the body, mind, and spirit to align.  Feel the feet connected to the ground below and open hearts and minds to whatever may flow.  Inspiration or questions may surface and we can pursue them in greater depth later.  There are times when we are filled with blissful silence.  It is within this silence we can clear our minds, expectations, and fear.  Silence, in itself, is an answer.  This quiet pause reflects the need for more information, further consideration, or to not make a decision at this time.  Be gentle with the thought process and return to it until decisions resonate within the heart.

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