Monday, October 10, 2016

Inner Spirit and Spiritual Flow

"Life is a balance
between holding and letting go."

Life is frequently compared to the flow of water.  It can float calmly or draw itself up into harsh waves. The flow of water can be felt in a small fountain or the trickle from a faucet.  We can experience life drowning or being washed ashore.  Rain streaming down upon our head can feel like a cleansing or shrinking of life itself.

Rumi tells us there is a time to cling to the shore and time to shoot the rapids.  We can grow stagnant standing in shallow water or be exhausted from paddling in water over our head. We must discern a combination of what will establish balance.

Water is a symbol for emotion and our inner spirit is like the water's current.  It needs to be fresh and unencumbered.  Motion is imperative to position ourselves to experience the ebb and flow of life.  We dig in to situations no longer healthy for us.  We are so focused on our tight grip, we neglect to see other opportunities within reach.  The act of letting go can be an inspiration, a lease on a new life or the expansion we have been yearning.  The inner spirit strives to maintain a balanced current within our spiritual flow. 

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