Friday, July 22, 2016

We Are Not Transparent

"Three things cannot be long hidden:
the sun, the moon, and the truth."

We choose to hide our lovely selves, even when others can see us.  We believe we are transparent.  When we deliberately hide parts of our selves, we often project a believable mask, but at what cost?  How long can the truth be hidden before it spills out in uncontrollable emotion or physical illness?

For most of our lives, we can  believe we are  magnificent magicians hiding emotions, only to learn the audience sometimes simply doesn't care.  Dishonoring the inner spirit, deceiving those around us, and not fulfilling earthly intentions lead us terribly astray.

When we stop loathing our physical bodies or emotional challenges, and truly give praise and thanksgiving for the blessings we do have, only then does truth set us free.  When the truth becomes apparent and we accept it, we then focus on what special goodness we are meant to offer to our world.  Blending the strength and the weakness increases our ability to navigate through life with honesty and integrity.

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