Thursday, July 21, 2016

Hidden Treasures

"I am like everyone else
in that I'm different, too."
Robert Lopez

Ego snares us into obsessions about our peculiarities.  It goes to great length to devise masks or barriers when it could be using this energy to applaud individual strengths.  Out of fear, we hide what is different rather than honoring by devoted attention.  A sense of pride needs to replace our self-criticism about our gifts.

How does anyone benefit from hidden treasure, if we cannot share our selves with others?  We can improve by what an individual demonstrates to us,  (a new approach, a unique remedy, an awareness) and we can broaden their life experience by illustrating what we have to offer.

When we no longer hide our treasures, we will no longer feel separate.  We experience collaboration and cooperation with a respect what once divided us.  No longer involved with competition, each person feels a sense of value that can be contributed to form the whole.  We are Divine blessings to ourselves, others, and the world. 

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