Thursday, May 5, 2016

Women Together

"The origins of women’s circles are ancient, 
but their applications are as modern 
as the women who participate in them."
Madisyn Taylor
Daily Om

Women have been joining their minds, hearts, and spirits since the beginning of time.  The focus of the gathering is not as important as the willingness of the women to join energies, as together, a greater need is met.

Combined effort can be more potent than one woman alone.  Whether it be music, art, food, prayer, or survival, the common thread binds the women together.  A common interest can be enhanced through the efforts of diversified thoughts.  

Grandmothers have exposed the mysteries of the circle to their daughters and then to their granddaughters.  As the multiple hands are busy together, relationships become stronger and each female nourishes her authentic sense of power while offering encouragement to others.  By embracing diversity women grow stronger  May the blessings be!

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