Friday, May 6, 2016

Depth of Our Cleanse

"The words of kindness are more healing 
to a drooping heart than balm or honey."
Sarah Fielding

If we are faced with a challenge, we step into it fully or choose to ignore it.  On one level we know it is a lesson, but on another level we do not want to extend ourselves into emotional challenge.When we are not operating from a sense of confidence, we have a tendency to self-sabotage.  

We do know what is best for us, and yet we frequently do not make healthy choices. Our ego tells us it is "easier" to go with the flow ... discontinue self-discovery when truth appears.  It may be "easier" in the moment, but in the long run, it indeed becomes excessively difficult. 

When we choose to address our issues, we enter a cleansing cycle, but with options ... light rinse, heavy soak, or gentle spin.  Depending upon how deeply we want to heal, determines the depth of our cleanse.  With every application of compassion, our heart initiates recovery in our body, mind, and soul.  At each attempt to heal, we remove layers of darkness allowing the light to come in.

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