Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Force A Performance

"We do not grow absolutely, chronologically.  We grow
sometimes in one dimension, and not in another; unevenly.
We grow partially.  We are relative.  We are mature in one
realm, childish in another.  The past, present, and future mingle
and pull us backward, forward, or fix us in the present.  
We are made up of layers, cells, constellations."  

Anais Nin

Through most of our lives, our expectations are too high.  If we are forcing a performance with all of our energy, we may be overshadowing our authentic direction.  At times, we become so narrowly focused, we can feel like a victim.  It is through the discovery of options we fine tune our ability to choose.  To assert action, to learn new steps, life pulls us from our victim rolls.

We are destined to live life to the greatest of our natural abilities, not a false image to please others.  Time is required to slowly step into silence to intuit creative direction.  We follow our steps to discover our strengths and talents.  We learn to respect what resonates within our core and deliberately renounce unfulfilled illusions. 

Life is a dance swinging us from a graceful waltz to a gyrating jive.  When we are swift on our feet, we will be flexible to bend and relax into life as it presents.  It is easy to become aware when we are out of sync, but not as easy to change.  Listen to the music and trust our lovely selves  to sway into every shadow and sunbeam evolving as we dance.

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