Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Discover The Light In Others

"See the light in others,
and treat them as if
that is all you see."

Wayne Dyer

Whether it is a school board meeting, business seminar, or social gathering, we may find ourselves with individuals we would prefer not to be around.  Our resentment may grow, irritation flourish, and we miss any positive input.  There is a remedy for this and it is easy!

Instead of focusing and growing our own discomfort, look outside of ourselves, seeking the light in others.  Even if we are faced with the most annoying person in the world, we can silently observe them using our full attention.  We may be surprised how this individual shifts as he or she believes we are truly paying attention as though they were worthy.  As we search for the element of good, we may shift ourselves discovering parts of the personality never noticed before.  

When we set aside our prejudices and resentments, our attitude changes as we are no longer projecting our emotions on to someone else.  With these pushed aside, we may find the light in an other, as we all get to shine.  

What we discover about this other person may not be monumental, but we realize we are all messengers of truth.  We pause waiting to connect what is being offered to what we need to hear, see, or feel.  

Others push our triggers.  Whatever we dislike about someone else may be the exact thing we need to address within our own personality make up.  We may become aware of an old wound that has never healed properly or even a distaste based on faulty information we never realized we carried.  

We are all messengers, so we need to be looking for the light to shine upon what we need to learn from others.  This also creates a time for us to examine the quality of light we are shining outward. 

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