Friday, March 6, 2015

The Lotus and Honey Bees

"A water lily has always been a water lily for that whole time that it was sprouting out of the wet soil, reaching up through the dark water towards the sunlight, stretching and grasping for the surface; where it then buds and blooms on the outside in the sunshine."

C. JoyBell C.

We can only change ourselves and the shift must begin from deep within.  Our light is but a flicker until we continue to fuel it with hope, direction, and faith.  Eventually, our path out of darkness is reflected from our physical presence as we shine our true nature at long last.  Strength to be authentic is thickened as we grow in place, emerging as we have always been meant to be.  

So no more waiting for the knight on the white horse to rescue the fair maiden.  The end to seeking a teacher who will magically change our interior without our personal effort.  The marking of days until the special one arrives where the world changes is no longer available on the calendar.  The time is now.  No more distractions or retractions.  Moving forward at will.

And the day does come, when the sun does shine and the birds sing of freedom.  Where the sway of the trees calms us and the fragrance of flowers nurtures us.  Our roots run deeply into the rich earth and while our stems reach grasp for the sunlight.   Honey bees kiss our petals until we at long last unfold.

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