Thursday, March 5, 2015

Carry On, Warrior

"You are never stronger ...
than when you land on 
the other side of despair."

Zadie Smith

When the breeze whips into a wind, I look up to the sky and see the dark clouds.  Comfort comes, only briefly, when I convince myself the brewing storm will not come my way.  I drive head into the roaring wind, monitoring the the pull of the storm.  I am headed right for it and my comfort is gone.

I rifle through my memory like pilfering through deleted files, trying to locate previous times when aiming for the eye of the storm.  Such a temptation to turn around, to head the other way, but deep inside I know I need to trust the way unfolding before me.

Light is gone, covered by the darkest of clouds sliding tumultuously across the sky.  Pelts of frozen raindrops spit against my view.  They are so sudden and loud, my reflexes pull my face from the view.  The vehicle withstands the buffeting of the storm, but I feel battered inside.  Then there is another mile marker reminding me that I am alone, challenged to survive.

Sleet followed by slush combined with snow impair my journey, making advancement slower than slow.  I laugh out loud when I imagine the words, "Carry on warrior, carry on!" I recall that I am brave.  I remind myself of my strength.  Endurance becomes my pace.

Finally, I have pushed through to the other side.  The wind is tired and finally laying down.  Wetness no longer falls from the sky.  While the sun peeks from behind the clouds, I feel my spirits rise knowing another race has been successfully run.

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