Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Extend Loving Light

"We are not trapped or locked in these bones. No, no. We are free to change.
And love changes us.  And if we can love one another, we can break open the sky."

Walter Mosley

Folk singers, Peter, Paul, and Mary were honored for all of their creative work and dedication to peace during the 1960's.  As I listened to all of their old songs, the words came flowing back to me.  They stirred old fires within me to the point of melancholy.  I easily recalled the anxiety of watching friends drafted and waiting not so patiently for their safe return.  A few intimate friends never came back, and those who returned never came back completely.  They were changed forever.

A sadness spreads through me as I find folk song lyrics to be apropos for the current state of unrest across the world.  I cannot help but speculate that young men are still in harms way and peace is not knocking on every one's door.  Many cultures are being destroyed and human spirits devoured through torture, hunger, and disease.  

Why is the change I long for not seen?  It really isn't about one thing like politics or religion.  It is the age old craving for more,  even while others lack ... or just plain greed.

When will we 'break open the sky' by loving one and another?  I am beginning to doubt if I shall ever see such a thing.  All I can do is express extreme gratitude to those who generously nurture and protect others at risk of harm.  I will live in personal peace and extend loving light as far as it can reach.

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