Monday, March 23, 2015

Balance Differs From Harmony

"To put everything in balance is good,
to put everything in harmony is better."

Victor Hugo

To balance can be an effort in juggling, throwing agendas or thoughts up into the air with fine tuned accuracy and being mindful to keep things in sync. To harmonize is to allow things to flow with a natural order without significant orchestration.  We strive to keep our lives balanced, but experience special joy when we discover elements of our lives perfectly arranged in harmony.  

There seems to be a decisive difference between the two.  One tends to require personal concentration  and the other just seems to happen. Balance is like placing our feet upon an elevated tight rope, wobbling from one side to the other; whereas, harmony is comparable to a surfer catching the perfect wave.

To create balance in life, we use mindfulness, meaning to remain aware.  Harmony seems to appear just as we let go or get out of our own way.  It is as though balance is the human action and harmony is subtle spiritual intervention.

Methodical and focused, we arrange our life, but being in the flow occurs when least expected.  Experience balance and we can tell ourselves, "Job well done!"  When caught in the rush or flow of harmony, one simply recognizes bliss or visits incredible synchronicity.  

Balance is a challenge involving different aspects of life.  Harmony is a blessing pulling all things into oneness.  It is a gift of hope, spiritual recognition, and unconditional love.

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