Sunday, February 1, 2015

Library, The Perfect Lover

"If you read a book a week from age 5 to age 80,
you will have read 0.01%
of all books in print."

Lewis Buzbee

A library can be the perfect lover.  Some are quite like an historical era or even a large collage of art, while others may have a sense of mystery or a certain kind of smell.  They can provide information on any subject while offering a cubby hole for privacy and a smuggled cup of Chai tea.  A person can wander up and down aisle after aisle gently running fingers across tight or misshapen spines.  There is an array of color to choose from, and differences in size or shape to say nothing of the wide selection of prints.  The style of a font can set the tone of an entire book.  

A library offers quiet, but safety.  When a person becomes bored, he or she can find yet one more embrace as a newly discovered aisle opens.   This lover is not stingy either, as you can select quite a few pieces to bring home with you.  Once home in a comfy reading chair, covered with a nostalgic quilt in front of the fireplace, exploration of books can lead the reader most anywhere.

The library, as a lover, welcomes the reader back unconditionally, eager to display many more new views.  There is no need to check in, make reservations or utter small talk.  There is independence based on a source of security.  Of course, if one brings a book back disheveled in any way ... creased pages, ripped covers, or simply not on time ... there is a price to pay!

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