Saturday, January 31, 2015

Positive Adventure or Pot Hole of Misery

"Life itself remains a very effective therapist."

Karen Horney

Changing our thinking from pessimism to optimism takes some diligence, but once in place, it is easier to embrace life.  Our challenges will take less toll when we give up resistance and stay in the moment, believing this too shall pass.  This is not to suggest that one just buttons down the hatches and waits for the storm to blow over!  We are needed to take part in the lesson, otherwise, it will return once again.

When life brings challenge, we will find ourselves buried in sorrow, despair, and depression if we wallow in thoughts of powerlessness.  Once we see ourselves as a victim, negativity pours in.  When we can remain mobile by staying positive, even if we are barely hanging on, action will keep us moving forward.  In maintaining faith, rather than stuck in fear, we can begin to figure out the puzzle before us.  

When we bind ourselves in heavy remorse, there is not enough energy to create a momentum of forward action.  If we remain open minded in each present moment, segments of our lesson begin to take shape.  Our perspectives are not tainted by what has happened in the past, so we can freshly recognize what is currently unfolding before us.

Create a mantra such as:  "There is wisdom unfolding in each moment."  Reclaim power by not second guessing abilities, but by patiently staying upbeat and watchful for a new opportunity.   We can resist and create an unmeasurable sabbatical in misery or we can assist in the unfolding of the life in front of us presenting a new adventure.

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