Monday, February 23, 2015

Connection Everywhere

"You know what music is?  God's little reminder 
that there's something else besides us in the universe;   
harmony connection between all living beings, 
every where, even the stars."

Robin Williams
August Rush, 2007

Robin Williams was an unforgettable person.  He will be remembered for excelling in diverse rolls, and for his outstanding  human acts of kindness towards others.  Robin Williams did not know a stranger.  He embraced all beings no matter what position they happened to be in his life.  He respected others and was head strong in wanting to make others laugh.  It has been said, he was determined to make others happy so they would not have to experience the loneliness he held inside.
We forget we are all vulnerable no matter how many gifts and talents we may have.  

When I scan through the movies Robin Williams made, the characters he played always made a deep impression upon me.  So when I think of this man, it is like looking at a crystal as there are so many sides to him.  I believe he had a very deep understanding and an exceptional ability to relate to others.

Admittedly, Robin Williams made me very nervous whenever he was interviewed.  His energy was so far off the charts, I would mentally be yelling at him to breathe.  To be running full throttle constantly will surely burn a person out.  And that is how I recall this man, as a shooting star streaking across the sky leaving a trail of stardust.  I believe he encourages us to live to the fullest in harmony with others, leaving no one behind.

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