Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Being God's Love

and she had love
and she gave love.
and when she was really present -
she was love.

terri st. cloud
bone sigh arts

Our sense of unworthiness convinces us there is a separation between ourselves and any thing deemed holy.  This makes it difficult to know the love of the Divine.  In the wrinkles of time when life is temporarily perfect we believe all is well in all the kingdoms of the world.  We can easily see the goodness inside and outside ourselves and others.  As the veils fall back into place, however, we lose sight of our own shining light and distance our selves from the burning lights of others.

Once we grasp the concept of unconditional love, we welcome the Divine into our lives and bask in the joy of knowing this love.  When the world turns and a shadow is cast, we cling to the notion that we still remain in the presence of Spirit.  

We must share the love of the Divine, by passing it on.   The more we find ourselves extending love, the faster it is replenished.  We find ourselves blessed as it never runs out. We become mindful of our actions and extend acts of kindness towards others. 

We come to know God's love through compassion for ourselves and others.  This love becomes a natural gesture in life and we simply become God's love.    

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